Sigmund Freud explored the human mind more thoroughly than any
other who became before him. His contributions to psychology are vast. Freud
was one of the most influential people of the twentieth century and his
enduring legacy has influenced not only psychology, but art, literature and
even the way people bring up their children.
Freud’s lexicon has become embedded within the vocabulary of
western society. Words he introduced through his theories are now used by
everyday people, such as anal (personality), libido, denial, repression,
cathartic, Freudian slip, and neurotic.
Freud believed that when we explain our own behaviour to ourselves
or others (conscious mental activity) we rarely give a true account of our motivation.
This is not because we are deliberately lying. Whilst human beings are great
deceivers of others, they are even more adept at self-deception. Our
rationalizations of our conduct are therefore disguising the real reasons.
Freud’s life work was dominated by his attempts to find ways of penetrating
this often subtle and elaborate camouflage that obscures the hidden structure
and processes of personality.
Freud was the founding father of psychoanalysis, a method for
treating mental
illness and
also a theory which explains human behavior.
is often known as the talking cure. Typically Freud would encourage his
patients to talk freely (on his famous couch) regarding their symptoms, and to
describe exactly what was on their mind.
The unconscious is the true psychical
reality; in its innermost nature it is as much unknown to us as the reality of
the external world, and it is as incompletely presented by the data of
consciousness as is the external world by the communications of our sense
Freud used to
mention the dreams as "The Royal Road to the Unconscious". He
proposed the 'phenomenon of condensation'; the idea that one simple symbol or image
presented in a person's dream may have multiple meanings.
Freud's discovery that the dream is the means
by which the unconscious can be explored is undoubtedly the most revolutionary
step forward in the entire history of psychology. Dreams, according to his
theory, represent the hidden fulfillment of our unconscious wishes.
Theory: Freud & Dreams 1
"If I cannot bend the Higher
Powers, I will move the Infernal regions"
It has justly been said that Freud's
book The Interpretation of Dreams- one of the most significant
books of the 20th Century - represents the beginning of psychoanalysis proper.
It is certainly the start of the theory of a dynamic unconscious, created in
childhood, which is operating continuously in both normal and 'abnormal' minds.
Freud called the interpretation of
dreams the 'Royal road' to the discovery of the unconscious - that is to say,
it is the 'King's highway' along which everyone can travel to discover the
truth of unconscious processes for themselves. Everybody dreams, and because of
this it is one of the most important ways for students to grasp Freud's theory
of psychoanalysis in a practical way.
The Structure
of The Interpretation of Dreams.
The argument in Freud's book The Interpretation of Dreams goes something like this:
The argument in Freud's book The Interpretation of Dreams goes something like this:
"Dreams are the fulfilment of a wish"
"Dreams are the disguised fulfilment of a
"Dreams are the disguised fulfilment of a repressed wish"
"Dreams are the disguised fulfilment of a repressed, infantile wish"
Theory: Freud & Dreams
Let's take
the first proposition:
(1) Dreams
are the fulfilment of a wish
(a) This
idea of Freud's has been much criticized as being reductionist. However it is
also the part of the theory which accords mostly with common-sense and popular
ideas about dreams. We say 'I can only dream of such a thing' to describe
something we really yearn for but are unable to have, and we all recognize that
in our dreams we often make the world a better place for ourselves where our
wishes are fulfilled. In this sense dreams, in Freud's view, have much in
common with daydreams, or stories in which the hero or heroine win out in the
end and achieve their heart's desire.
But what is
a wish? Well it is not too hard to understand really. If a child says 'I wish I
had an ice cream', then that's a wish. The only thing is that if she says 'I
wish I had an ice-cream' it means that she has asked for an ice-cream and been
told that she can't have one. So to create a wish implies a structure something
like this:
I want an
ice-cream ---> No! ----> I wish I had an ice-cream
ice-cream ---> No! ----> I wish I had an ice-cream
There is a
'want' and a probibition. A wish is the result. As we get older the prohibition
becomes 'internalised' and the forbidden wishes become unconscious. The child's
unruly and peremptory impulses are controlled and his overwhening egoism is
curtailed. Freud calls this function the 'censorship'.
dreams display the wish-fulfilling character of dreams most clearly, in Freud's
contentious issue is that Freud insists that all dreams are fulfilments of
wishes. He argues against the idea that dreams may primarily be concerned with
the solution to an intellectual problem, for instance, or with representing a
'worry', or an 'intention', or some other mental product. Even when Freud
allows the possibility of anxiety dreams or 'punishment dreams', he still
incorporates these within the category of 'wish'. There is something
fundamental for Freud about the 'wish'.
(b) Freud
sometimes says that dreams are the fulfilment of wishes, and sometimes that
dreams represent the fulfilment of wishes. There is an ambiguity here which
reflects our own experience - on the one hand we say that dreams are like a
'real experience', and on the other hand we say dreams are like a private
'movie', where we know that 'it is only a dream'. So do dreams represent the
fulfilment of a wish, ie. show us a picture of a wish as fulfilled; or is the
dream itself the fulfilment of the wish?
ambiguity is partly resolved by (i) Freud's theory in Chapter VII of the book,
where he maintains in effect that in early infancy a 'hallucination' (eg. of
the breast) is the same thing as an experience - or rather that it is difficult
for a small baby to distinguish between the two; and (ii) Freud's idea that one
of the essential wishes for the instigation of a dream is the 'wish to sleep' -
that is to say dreams are the fulfilment of this wish, since they protect
In his
essay 'The Censorship of Dreams', (Lecture IX of Introductory Lectures on
Psychoanalysis), Freud gives the following definition:
are things which get rid of (psychical) stimuli disturbing to sleep, by the
method of hallucinatory satisfaction"
'psychical stimulus', according to the theory, is a wish or desire which has
arisen during the day which has remained unsatisfied.
Freud says
that children's dreams or dreams which occur under conditions of privation (especially
hunger) display their simple wish fulfilling character most clearly.
Theory: Freud & Dreams
Freud's second
proposition is:
(2) Dreams
are the disguised fulfilment of a wish
We all know
that dreams often do not seem to 'make sense'. They may appear like a jumble of
disconnected images which do not follow a logical structure. Therefore if
dreams are the fulfilments of wishes, they must be disguised in some way. Hence
they have to be 'interpreted' because their 'manifest content' (as Freud calls
it) is not the same as their hidden or 'latent' content (the instigating and
underlying 'dream thoughts').
theory therefore proposes two levels in the structure of dreams (the manifest
content and latent dream-thoughts) which are nevertheless tied together in some
way. Freud calls the system of transformations which connect up the two
levels the 'dream-work'. That is to say the dream-work is the mechanism which
takes the raw material of the dream-thoughts and combines it together into a
dream. Sometimes the manifest dream can have a completely opposite emotional
content to the latent dream thoughts, as in Freud's dream of his father looking
like the heroic Garibaldi. Garibaldi dream
consists of the following type of transformations:
In a sense
the word itself says it all. A number of dream-elements (themes, images,
figures, ideas etc) are combined into one, so that the dream becomes more
compact or condensed than the dream-thoughts. There are different kinds of
condensation, with everyday applications.
(a) Pop videos and so on often show one image overlaid onto another
one, so that parts of both image are discernible in the new composite one. This
is one kind of condensation, such as in Freud's description of a dream image of
his uncle 'with a yellow beard': "The face that I saw in the dream was at
once my friend R's and my uncle's. It was like one of Galton's composite
photographs. (In order to bring out family likenesses, Galton used to
photograph several faces on the same plate). So there could be no doubt that I
really did mean that my friend R. was a simpleton - like my Uncle Joseph."
(b) Groups are often formed out of disparate individuals on the basis
of an element common to each of them. For instance you could give half the
class a red badge and call them the 'red' group. The condensation operates in
this case by taking one element from a number of individuals and using it as
the basis for forming a single entity. In a dream this might mean that if both
your mother and boyfriend or girlfriend have red hair then the element 'red'
might signify the condensation of both these figures.
In this
respect condensation seems like a very basic psychical process, connected to
the formation of categories in general.
(c) Condensation also operates in language, in the creation of
neologisms and so on. For instance, suppose a guest of mine has overstayed his
welcome. As he is finally leaving I might say "I am slad to see you
go". This is because I might be trying to say "I am sad to see you
go", but really I think "I am glad to see you go". The two words
'sad' and 'glad' have been condensed into the single (nonsense) word 'slad'.
Or jokes
and riddles can operate by condensation:
'When is a door not a
'When it's ajar' .
The two meanings ('a jar' and 'ajar') are condensed into the single expression.
'My wife went to the West Indies'
'Jamaica?' ('Did you make her [go]?')
'No, she went of her own accord.'
'When it's ajar' .
The two meanings ('a jar' and 'ajar') are condensed into the single expression.
'My wife went to the West Indies'
'Jamaica?' ('Did you make her [go]?')
'No, she went of her own accord.'